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24 Aug


Speech, Language, and Social Skills at 1-Year

*engages in peek-a-boo type play

*follows simple 1-step directive i.e. “pick up the toy”

*changes in intonation i.e. use inflection to indicate a question or exclamation.

*speech babble such as ‘mama’, ‘dada’, ‘uh-oh!’

*has 1 or 2 words around 1st birthday

**Note: comprehension should clearly supersede production at this point (i.e. s/he know what ‘toy’ references; but does not use it in speaking vocabulary).

Speech, Language, and Social Skills at 2-Years

*imitates others behaviors

*becomes excited about the presence of other children

*understands simple questions and commands

*identifies body parts

*uses names of things, actions, persons

*repeats words heard in conversation

*asks “what’s this” or “what’s that”

*able to find objects ‘hidden’ during play

*produces phrases of 2-3 words

*has around 200 words in speaking vocabulary

*listens to stories and points to pictures when asked

*names pictures and actions

*can produce: b, d, h, m, n, p

Speech, Language, and Social Skills at 3-Years

*no longer deleting syllables (i.e. ‘jamas’ for ‘pajamas’)

*holds up finger to display his or her age

*can name some colors

*able to follow directions with modifier (“put the truck under the bridge”)

*knows personal info like his/her name, gender, nursery rhymes

*able to tell simple stories to convey meaning/ideas

*uses 3-4 word sentences

*has a speaking vocabulary of over 1,000 words

*can produce m, n, p, f, h, b and consistently

Speech, Language, and Social Skills at 4-Years

*uses pronouns (I, mine, yours, his, hers, theirs) and the conjunction “and”.

*able to identify shapes

*follows commands that are not related to the ‘here and now’.

*sentence length of 4-5 words

*uses past tense “kicked”

*asks “what” and “why”

*uses m, n, ng, p, f, h, w, y, k, b, d, g, t correctly in speech

*may discuss imaginary conditions “maybe” or “i hope so…”